Download and Install Test Suite
These are required steps for certification.
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These are required steps for certification.
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Two methods for download and installation are provided.
Make sure your system is up to date, you can run the following:
# dnf update
Discover and enable the certification repository with the following commands:
# dnf repolist all | grep cert
# subscription-manager repos --enable <repository name>
Discover and install the certification package with dependencies
# yum list available | grep redhat-cert
# yum install -y redhat-certification-software.noarch
Start the RHCERT daemon
# rhcertd start
Result: The system-under-test is now prepared to run Red Hat Software Certification.
Log in to Red Hat Customer Portal and open the Red Hat Certification Downloads Page.
Select the relevant version of Red Hat Certification (for RHEL Server) from the version list.
Select an appropriate architecture from the architecture list.
Go to the Packages Tab and select the download the following:
After both packages are downloaded to the test system, you can install the test suite by doing the following:
Install dependencies of certification:
python3-lxml is a required package of certification
# dnf install python3-lxml
Run the following command to install the certification.
# rpm -i redhat-certification-x.y.z.el9.noarch.rpm
Install dependencies of certification software
kernel-abi-whitelists is a required package of certification software
# dnf install kernel-abi-whitelists
Run the following command to install the certification software
# rpm -i redhat-certification-software-x.y.z.el9.noarch.rpm
Install dependencies of certification software
kernel-abi-whitelists is a required package of certification software
Run the following command to start Red Hat Certification daemon
# rhcertd start
Results: The system-under-test is now prepared to run Red Hat Software Certification.