Product details

Certification Standards



Runs on OpenShift

The vendor has verified the functionality of this product on Red Hat OpenShift and supports it as a target platform

Vendor validated

The vendor has committed that the product works on the advertised platform.

Certified operators & images

All operators and associated container images have been certified.

Fully containerized

This product is packaged as one or more container images.

Continuous vulnerability scans

Each certified image in this product is continuously scanned against newly published vulnerabilities.

Collaborative support

The vendor has a collaborative support process with Red Hat that allows direct communication between support organizations.

OpenShift Continuous Integration

The vendor has a CI system process in place to continuously test OpenShift updates as they are released by Red Hat to verify interoperability.

OpenShift Capabilities



In-service OpenShift upgrades

The product can handle upgrades to OpenShift nodes without impacting service availability for end users

In-service CNF upgrades

The product can handle its own upgrades without impacting service availability for end users

Supports OpenShift EUS release

Infrastructure Features

The following are infrastructure features:



Container Storage Interface (CSI)

storage products providing and supporting block/file persistent backend for OpenShift trough a CSI (Container Storage Interface) driver

Container Network Interface (CNI)

products delivering networking services for OpenShift through a CNI (Container Networking Interface) plugin

Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF)

provides a Cloud-native Network Functions (CNF) Kubernetes plug-in

Virtualized Network Functions (VNF)

consists of virtual execution environments running software on standard high-volume servers, switches and storage, instead of using custom hardware appliances for each network function


supports being mirrored into disconnected catalogs, including all dependencies, and does not require internet access


accepts the FIPS mode of the underlying platform and works on nodes that are booted into FIPS mode


supports running on a cluster behind a proxy

If a product has met the criteria of certification, its product listing page will include a certified icon along with the name of the corresponding feature. If an infrastructure feature is listed without a certified icon, it has asserted by the partner, but not yet certified by Red Hat.

Last updated

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