Image tags and versions

Container image versions are indicated by tags. Many of the images in the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog have multiple tags associated with them to enable you to pull the desired version of an image.

Static tags

A static tag is one that denotes a specific release of an image and will refer to one, and only one, image version. Using a static tag is useful if you want to pull a specific image.

Static tags can generally by identified by a dash in the name, e.g. "X.Y-Z".

Floating tags

A floating tag is one that denotes the latest image in a series of images. The most commonly used floating tag is the universal "latest" tag. Floating tags are useful if you want to pull the latest image in a repository or product release stream.

Content streams

A content stream is a major release within a repository that will be maintained and receive additional images over time, mapping back to a floating tag. Some repositories contain multiple content streams (multi-stream) that are supported simultaneously, whereas others only include one content stream (single-stream).

In the Red Hat Ecosystem Catalog, a warning message is displayed when viewing a container image if there is a newer image version available. This warning message will provide a link to the latest version of the image; however, for multi-stream repositories it will link instead to the latest version in the same supported stream and not necessarily the overall latest version.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for image tags and versions

How can I view a list of all the tags and versions of a container image?

When viewing the page for a container image, select "View full history" from the tag pull-down.

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