Bundle Maintenance After Migration

This section of the guide is intended for partners who have completed the bundle migration process. If you have not been reached out to regarding this, you can disregard this section of the guide.

With the adoption of OpenShift 4.5 we are introducing a new way to manage your metadata. Previously there was no standard way to associate and transmit operator manifests and metadata between clusters, or to associate a set of manifests with one or more runnable container images. The changes we are putting into place will remedy this situation and change the way a partner creates and maintains the metadata associated with your certified operator.

Updated Operator Certification Workflow:

We have sent you a zip file that contains your metadata and a Dockerfile for an image to hold it. That Dockerfile replaces the zip you used to upload for scanning. We have already submitted the bundle image to the scan test and everything has been successfully converted to use the new format. There are some changes to how you go about working with this new format and this section of the guide is designed to help you understand the new format and how to continue forward using this format. Below you can see an example of the new format of metdata that is shipped inside of the container image provided.

To create a new update for your operator, you'll need to create a new version directory, and place your crds and csv inside. You can make any updates to these files as normal.

$ mkdir bundle/3.0.0
$ cp <latest csv> bundle/3.0.0
$ cp <crd> bundle/3.0.0

Here's an example what the structure should look like when you're done:

Don't forget to update your package yaml, too! It's not in one of the version sub-directories because the package determines which operator version is used.

Move into the bundle directory. You can now use opm to create the annotations.yaml and Dockerfile. Keep in mind that the new Dockerfile will be created in the directory you run the command, and it includes COPY commands. It'll also slightly re-scaffold the project.

$ cd bundle
$ opm alpha bundle generate -d ./3.0.0/ -u ./3.0.0/

Next, you'll need to add some LABELs to the Dockerfile.

LABEL com.redhat.openshift.versions="v4.5,v4.6"
LABEL com.redhat.delivery.backport=true
LABEL com.redhat.delivery.operator.bundle=true

When you're done, the finished Dockerfile should look something like this

Now you can build the new image and submit it to the pipeline. You'll have a new project in Connect for your bundle image that we created for you as part of migration with the same name as your operator project, but with "-bundle" on the end. Click "Push Image Manually" for instructions on uploading your metadata bundle for testing.

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Last updated